MWA Lawyers provides a comprehensive range of services to assist clients who have complex and sometimes intractable disputes with other persons and businesses.

At MWA Lawyers, our goal is to keep clients out of court to the extent it is possible to do so, by resolving the dispute via mediation or negotiation. This is particularly important given the level of costs, loss of time and resources, and uncertainty any form of court based litigation brings with it.

Having said that, MWA Lawyers recognise that sometimes, there is simply no alternative for clients than to go to court, either in bringing an action or defending a claim brought against them.

When clients find themselves faced with the daunting prospect of litigation, MWA Lawyers endeavours to ensure the clients at the outset:

– Know the ramifications of the court process; and
– Are given a reasonable estimate of the likely costs of the process.

Only when this is known can a commercial decision be made as to what the best course of action may be.

MWA Lawyers has extensive experience in:

– Conducting litigation in the Australian Courts and Tribunals; and
– Resolving disputes for clients via out of court processes such as mediation or negotiation.

Please feel free to refer to the links below for more information, and our contact details if you wish to make any further enquiries.