MWA Lawyers provides a comprehensive range of services to Australian based wagering operators.

The wagering industry in Australia operates within a complex regulatory environment.

Wagering operators are regulated in their home licence jurisdictions, as well as in each State and Territory under the legislative regimes in each jurisdiction.

They are also impacted by a range of Commonwealth and State/Territory based laws concerning the operation and/or conduct of competitions, gaming and associated activities.

A comprehensive Australian indirect taxation regime operates in relation to wagering operators, including:

  • the imposition of bookmaker licence fees;
  • race field information use fees (for thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing);
  • product fees paid to governing sporting bodies for wagers accepted on designated sporting events (eg NRL, FFA, AFL, Cricket Australia); and
  • Commonwealth GST (which has its own regime for the imposition of GST on wagering operators).
  • State based consumption & end user taxes


A range of State and Commonwealth Constitutional rules also impact wagering operators. This concerns the jurisdictional capacity of the State, Territory and Commonwealth parliaments to pass laws that seek to regulate or impose obligations on wagering operators.

Administrative law remedies are very important to wagering operators, as they are regularly the subject of administrative decisions of controlling bodies which are sometimes incorrect and adverse to their commercial interests.

Consumer protection laws, trade mark and domain name protection laws, and the vast array of laws that govern the operation of any business in in Australia (including advertising and sponsorship arrangements) also have significant impacts on the business operation of wagering operators.

Because of the unique environment in which wagering operators find themselves, experienced and practical legal advice is essential in order to navigate this complex regime. MWA Lawyers has the necessary experience and expertise to assist in these areas.

Please feel free to refer to the links below for more information, and our contact details if you wish to make any further enquiries.