MWA Lawyers has taxation expertise in income tax, capital gains tax, GST, stamp duty, land tax and payroll tax.
When any transaction is considered, the tax implications are critical.
MWA Lawyers are able to identify potential tax issues and either advise themselves, or recommend specialist independent taxation advice be obtained where necessary.
MWA Lawyers has referral relationships with specialist independent tax advisers where clients are in need of such assistance.
We also provide objection and appeals services in relation to assessments received concerning all Commonwealth and State taxes, including appeals to relevant Commonwealth and State Tribunals, and the Federal Courts and State Supreme Courts.
No matter what commercial transaction is being contemplated, invariably there will be a tax consideration. When engaging a lawyer to assist with any transaction, it is vital the lawyer has an inherent understanding of the taxation issues. MWA Lawyers has both the skills, experience and commercial understanding to be able to effectively assist in these matters.
Even where we have not been specifically asked to provide underling taxation advice, we often work with existing taxation advisers (usually the business external accountant) to ensure the desired objectives of any proposed transaction are achieved and any adverse consequences are identified and addressed before the transaction complexities.
In the end, it is about ensuring:
Please feel free to refer to the links below for more information, and our contact details if you wish to make any further enquiries.